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Choice Louisiana
Stand up for every woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions.


We're a coalition of individuals and organizations in Louisiana dedicated to defending a woman's right to choose. We at Choice Louisiana believe that access to quality abortion care is a fundamental right. We trust that women are capable of making sound decisions regarding their own health care. Keep Reading >

Tell your Senator: Women are not incubators! Vote NO on HB1274

UPDATE: This bill was passed by committee on Wednesday May 21st, and is now headed to the floor of the Senate.

Louisiana HB1274 forces women to be kept on life support as human incubators. Instead of honoring her wishes (even in a living will), family wishes, and medical advice, this bill says the government can decide for you if the woman is pregnant.

There is no exception for suffering, no accounting for a severely impaired fetus, and no explanation of who will pay for this unwanted care.

Even though hundreds of people asked their Representatives to vote against this terrible bill, NONE of them did! That means the fight now moves to the Senate. Take 30 seconds to use our easy tool to email your Senator and ask them to vote NO on this terrible, inhumane bill!

Click here to tell your State Senator in Baton Rouge to vote NO on HB1274 and to stay out of the private medical decisions of families!