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Choice Louisiana
Stand up for every woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions.


We're a coalition of individuals and organizations in Louisiana dedicated to defending a woman's right to choose. We at Choice Louisiana believe that access to quality abortion care is a fundamental right. We trust that women are capable of making sound decisions regarding their own health care. Keep Reading >

DHH wants to dig through your confidential medical records

The Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) is at it once again. Last month they released new regulations targeting abortion clinics across Louisiana, without any goals of increasing safety or ensuring compassionate care for women in Louisiana.

Instead of focusing on their patients, DHH wants doctors to focus on 115 medically unnecessary and tedious clerical tasks for every patient. DHH has also given themselves permission to access an abortion clinic’s confidential medical files with no plans to protect the privacy of patients across Louisiana.

Do you want DHH copying your medical files, personal address, and contact information without any method of maintaining your privacy?

We told them last year, we stand with Louisiana women and will NOT allow this infringement on our rights! We want our doctors to focus on patient care, and we want our clinics to continue providing safe medical care for women across Louisiana.

Send your comment to DHH today and tell them to use medically appropriate standards of care to model regulations, not political motivations. Comments are open now and will close at 4:30CST on January 30.

Women deserve regulations that are clinically proven and medically necessary to protect and provide the best care for women in Louisiana. DHH needs to stop wasting time on setting up traps to close abortion clinics. Please take a moment to share your opinion now with DHH before it’s too late.